| 1. | The gas main explode and set fire to the house 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火。 |
| 2. | The workman accidentally drilled a hole in the gas main 那个技工意外地在煤气总管上钻了一个洞。 |
| 3. | Okay , guys : mikes , needle , gas main , grill and casino , eh 好了,各位:麦克风针瓦斯总管铁栅栏和赌场 |
| 4. | An exploding gas main shattered the tiles in the courtyard 爆炸的煤气主要管线把院子里的瓦片都震碎了。 |
| 5. | What is it ? i forgot that i left the gas main on , which leaks 是什么事我忘了把瓦斯开关关上了正在漏呢 |
| 6. | She was ordered out of her home by a fire marshal because the house next door had an explosion from a leaking gas main 她被消防局长命令离开她的房子,因为隔壁的房子瓦斯管线漏?引起爆炸。 |
| 7. | Gaskets for gas supply - part 6 : gasket materials based on synthetic fibres , graphite or polytetrafluoroethylen for gas valves , gas appliances and gas mains 供气用密封垫.第6部分:气阀煤气设备和煤气主管道用 |
| 8. | Materials for the subsequent sealing of underground gas mains - part 2 : materials for the subsequent sealing of joints in underground gas mains ; safety requirements and testing 地下煤气管道用后续密封材料.第2部分:地下煤气管道接 |
| 9. | Materials for the subsequent sealing of joints in underground gas mains - part 1 : plastic foil and textile fibre linings used to seal gaspipes already in place ; safety requirements and testing 地下煤气管道接头附加密封材料.第1部分:已密封煤气管 |
| 10. | Besides serving as carriageways for vehicles and pedestrians , roads also accommodate various utility services , such as water and gas mains , sewers and electricity and telephone cables 除了供车辆和行人使用外,本港的道路也敷设了各种公用设施,如水管、煤气喉管、污水渠、电缆和电话线等。 |